The Company

Eternity Wedding Bands is an ecommerce and jewelry manufacturing company based in New York. They allow their customer to create custom diamond wedding bands online and use the most advanced technology to make them to order.


The biggest challenge was increasing mobile traffic with very low conversion rates. Their website was mobile friendly but didn’t provide great shopping experience and many customers abandoned their shopping carts.

Their average order value is over $3,000 and their visitors didn’t feel confident enough to purchase their products on mobile. Some of them switched to desktop and finished their purchase but the majority of mobile traffic was lost.

The lack of trust elements, missing social proof and difficult checkout process resulted in 94.6% shopping cart abandonment on mobile devices.

Our Solution

We performed Ecommerce Audit and identified 40+ issues on their mobile website that had a direct impact on their sales. Our customer researched revealed that many visitors didn’t fully understand the ring customization process and they were worried about selecting a wrong size.

They also wanted to see certifications for diamonds to make sure they get what they pay for.

We worked on product page optimization and improved the user experience of their customization process to help their customers better understand different options with additional info-boxes. We also focused on communicating their flexible return policy and free shipping to address their customer main hesitations.

The product page became more engaging to use and their customers actually enjoy ring customization process. It resulted in over 145.1% growth in add to cart rates for mobile users.

Next, we optimized their checkout process and completely rebuilt the whole page to reduce the number of fields, provide an easy-to-use user interface, removed exit path and tested different trust elements to make their customer feel more confident about purchasing high price products.

The Results

The complete optimization resulted in 276.6% growth of mobile sales and we managed to generate more sales on mobile than on desktop.

Key Results
+276.6%Mobile Sales
+145.1%Add To Cart Rate
51xReturn Of Investment

The conversion analysis provided by Pixelter has been the most thorough and relevant audit I have ever received. The information provided was invaluable in delivering a much higher quality user experience and in turn a noticeable increase in conversions. Not only do I highly recommend Pixelter for any e-commerce business but I believe it to be a necessity.

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